

October 1, 2020

Detecting if a cross-site page triggered a navigation (or didn’t) can be useful to an attacker. For example, a website may trigger a navigation in a certain endpoint depending on the status of the user.

To detect if any kind of navigation occurred, an attacker can:

  • Use an iframe and count the number of times the onload event is triggered.
  • Check the value of history.length, which is accessible through any window reference. This provides the number of entries in the history of a victim that were either changed by history.pushState or by regular navigations. To get the value of history.length, an attacker changes the location of the window reference to the target website, then changes back to same-origin, and finally reads the value. Run demo

Download Trigger #

When an endpoint sets the Content-Disposition: attachment header, it instructs the browser to download the response as an attachment instead of navigating to it. Detecting if this behavior occurred might allow attackers to leak private information if the outcome depends on the state of the victim’s account.


Download Bar

April 23, 2024

In Chromium-based browsers, when a file was downloaded, a preview of the download process appeared in a bar at the bottom, integrated into the browser window. By monitoring the window height, attackers could detect whether the “download bar” opened:

// Read the current height of the window
var screenHeight = window.innerHeight;
// Load the page that may or may not trigger the download'');
// Wait for the tab to load
setTimeout(() => {
    // If the download bar appears, the height of all tabs will be smaller
    if (window.innerHeight < screenHeight) {
      console.log('Download bar detected');
    } else {
      console.log('Download bar not detected');
}, 2000);

