Window References

October 8, 2020
Abuse Window References
Category Attack
Defenses Fetch Metadata, SameSite Cookies, COOP

If a page sets its opener property to null or is using COOP protection depending on the users’ state, it becomes possible to infer cross-site information about that state. For example, attackers can detect whether a user is logged in by opening an endpoint in an iframe (or a new window) which only authenticated users have access to, simply by checking its window reference. Run demo Code Snippet # The below snippet demonstrates how to detect whether the opener property was set to null, or whether the COOP header is present with a value other than unsafe-none. ...

Frame Counting

October 1, 2020
Abuse iframes
Category Attack
Defenses Fetch Metadata, SameSite Cookies, COOP, Framing Protections

Window references allow cross-origin pages to get access to some of the attributes of other pages. These references become available when using or allowing iframe and The references provide (limited) information about the window as they still respect the same-origin policy. One of the accessible attributes is window.length which provides the number of frames in the window. This attribute can provide valuable information about a page to an attacker. ...


October 1, 2020
Abuse Downloads, History, CSP Violations, Redirects,, window.stop, iframes
Category Attack
Defenses Fetch Metadata, SameSite Cookies, COOP, Framing Protections

Detecting if a cross-site page triggered a navigation (or didn’t) can be useful to an attacker. For example, a website may trigger a navigation in a certain endpoint depending on the status of the user. To detect if any kind of navigation occurred, an attacker can: Use an iframe and count the number of times the onload event is triggered. Check the value of history.length, which is accessible through any window reference. ...

Network Timing

October 1, 2020
Abuse iframes
Category Attack
Defenses Fetch Metadata, SameSite Cookies, COOP, Framing Protections

Network Timing side-channels have been present on the web since its inception 1 2. These attacks have had different levels of impact over time, gaining new attention when browsers started shipping high-precision timers like To obtain timing measurements, attackers must use a clock, either an implicit or an explicit one. These clocks are usually interchangeable for the purposes of XS-Leaks and only vary in accuracy and availability. For simplicity, this article assumes the use of the performance. ...

Execution Timing

October 1, 2020
Abuse Event Loop, Service Workers, Site Isolation, CSS Injections, Regex Injections, iframes
Category Attack
Defenses Fetch Metadata, SameSite Cookies, COOP, Framing Protections

Measuring the time of JavaScript execution in a browser can give attackers information on when certain events are triggered, and how long some operations take. Timing the Event Loop # JavaScript’s concurrency model is based on a single-threaded event loop which means it can only run one task at a time. If, for example, some time-consuming task blocks the event loop, the user can perceive a freeze on a page as a result of the UI thread being starved. ...

Hybrid Timing

October 1, 2020
Abuse iframes
Category Attack
Defenses Fetch Metadata, SameSite Cookies, COOP

Hybrid Timing Attacks allow attackers to measure the sum of a group of factors that influence the final timing measurement. These factors include: Network delays Document parsing Retrieval and processing of subresources Code execution Some of the factors differ in value depending on the application. This means that Network Timing might be more significant for pages with more backend processing, while Execution Timing can be more significant in applications processing and displaying data within the browser. ...