
Download Bar

April 23, 2024

In Chromium-based browsers, when a file was downloaded, a preview of the download process appeared in a bar at the bottom, integrated into the browser window. By monitoring the window height, attackers could detect whether the “download bar” opened:

// Read the current height of the window
var screenHeight = window.innerHeight;
// Load the page that may or may not trigger the download'');
// Wait for the tab to load
setTimeout(() => {
    // If the download bar appears, the height of all tabs will be smaller
    if (window.innerHeight < screenHeight) {
      console.log('Download bar detected');
    } else {
      console.log('Download bar not detected');
}, 2000);




October 1, 2020

Leaking the Content-Type of a request would provide attackers with a new way of distinguishing two requests from each other.

typeMustMatch #

typeMustMatch is a Boolean that reflects the typeMustMatch attribute of the object element. It ensures that a certain MIME type must be enforced when loading an object, by verifying if the Content-Type of the resource is the same as the one provided in the object. Unfortunately, this enforcement also allowed attackers to leak the Content-Type and Status Codes returned by a website 1.
